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Our Certifications

As an ISO/IEC 17024 certified certification body, Brightest offers certification examinations for professionals around the world in various language options. Not only do we offer the current ISTQB® portfolio, but also the certification exams from IFPUG, iSAQB, WITPM and the "United Portfolio".

See our Partner Boards


International Software Testing Qualifications Board

“CTFL” is the abbreviation of “Certified Tester Foundation Level”

“CT” is the abbreviation of “Certified Tester”

“CTAL” is the abbreviation of “Certified Tester Advanced Level"

“CTAL” is the abbreviation of “Certified Tester Advanced Level”

“CTEL” is the abbreviation of “Certified Tester Expert Level"


International Function Point Users Group

CFPP stands for "Certified Function Point Practitioner"

SNAP stands for "Software Non-functional Assessment Process"

CFPS stands for "Certified Function Point Specialist"


International Software Architecture Qualification Board

“CPSA” is the abbreviation of “Certified Professional for Software Architecture”


Selenium United

SeU stands for "Selenium United"


TMMi Foundation


Artificial Intelligence United

AiU stands for Artificial Intelligence United


Agile United

AU stands for Agile United


User Experience United

UXU stands for "User Experience United"


DevOps United

DOu stands for "DevOps United"


Performance Testing United

PtU stands for "Performance Testing United"


Design Sprint Alliance

DSA stands for "Design Sprint Alliance"


API United

APIU stands for API United


Cloud United

CU Stands for "Cloud United"


Data & Analytics United

DAU stands for "Data & Analytics United"

Core Blockchain

Core Blockchain


Blockchain United

BcU stands for "Blockchain United"


Worth IT Project Management

WITPM stands for "Worth IT Project Management"


United Certifications

“UC” is the abbreviation of “United Certifications”

How to get Certified with Brightest

There are different ways in which you can get certified with Brightest. The first question is to know how to prepare for the certification exam. We generally recommend training through an Accredited Training Provider; however, if you have a lot of experience in the area you wish to get certified in, self-study can be a great option. You are also welcome to challenge an exam any time you like, provided you fill the potential experience or certification requirements.

Take a Training

Take a Training with one of our Accredited Training Provider Partners (exam will follow your training).

Find a Training
Register for an exam

Register for an exam directly with Brightest.

Book an exam