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Brightest Open Exam Sessions

We are proud to offer exams sessions around the world. If you are interested in joining a group near you, please have a look below at the current available options. If you have a small group of people, you can always contact us via info@brightest.org and we can set up an open group in the location of your choosing.

Next Open Exams

At the moment there currently aren't any Open Exams scheduled.  If you're in Berlin, Germany you are welcome to visit the Brightest office and take your exam. If you require information about taking exams in your area, please contact us via info@brightest.org. 

You can get certified by taking an exam!

Book your Certification Exam

brightest private exams

Brightest Private


Electronic exams for individuals administered by a Pearson VUE expert in real time via webcam (now also available for ISTQB).


Brightest Center


Electronic exam for individuals at any of the 5200+ Test Centres with easy registration via the Pearson VUE website.

brightest green exam

Brightest Green


Electronic group exams of at least 6 participants in six different languages, anywhere in the world.

brightest paper exam

Brightest Paper


The classic exam experience for groups of at least 6 participants in a growing number of languages.