Infrastructure as Code process has made the provisioning and managing of the cloud infrastructure more productive, efficient, and consistent. The Cloud United - Cloud Computing Infrastructure as Code Specialist (CCICS) certification course focuses on the approaches and tools used in the process.
The certification itself is independent of any specific cloud provider; however, hands-on exercises will be performed on several of the most widely known providers and hybrid scenarios as well. The objective of the CCICS certification is to enable the testers to understand the approaches and tools available for provisioning and managing of Infrastructure through code and various testing strategies for testing the provisioned infrastructure and the tools available for performing specific tests.
Business Objectives (BO) for this course:
Testers, Test Leads and Managers, QAs, QEs and basically anyone who tests or manages the testing of cloud native applications.
For the basics of cloud testing, we highly recommend that participants hold the Cloud Test Practitioner Certificate (CU-CTP), and the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) certificate (or similar or have at least read through the syllabus and understand the content), for general basic testing knowledge.
syllabi ed esami di prova sono in arrivo!
syllabi ed esami di prova sono in arrivo!
Esami elettronici individuali amministrati da un esperto Pearson in tempo reale tramite webcam (ora disponibile anche per ISTQB).
Brightest Center
In varie lingue presso uno dei 5200+ Test Center, registrarsi è facile tramite la pagina Brightest del sito web Pearson.
Brightest Green
Esame elettronico per gruppi composti da un minimo di 6 persone, disponibile in sei lingue diverse in qualsiasi parte del mondo.
Brightest Paper
Esperienza classica dell'esame cartaceo per gruppi di almeno 6 partecipanti in sempre più lingue disponibili.