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BrightX – powered by Brightest

BrightX tiene como objetivo apoyar a la gran comunidad mundial de las TI,
compartir conocimientos, tender puentes, alcanzar nuevos potenciales.

Webinars & Videos

Blog & News

Inteligencia Artificial

Transmitido el 09/09/2024
40 min English

Automating Quality: A Vision Beyond AI for Testing

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Prueba de software

Transmitido el 27/08/2024
35 min English

Level Up Your Career in Testing

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Prueba de software

Transmitido el 11/04/2024
4 mins English

How to be a recognized Training provider

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Prueba de software

Transmitido el 10/04/2024
4 min English

Valuable aspects of the UC-TFSE

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Prueba de software

Transmitido el 09/04/2024
6 mins English

From Developer to Testing Expert

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Prueba de software

Transmitido el 08/04/2024
4 min English

Meet the author

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Inteligencia Artificial

Transmitido el 07/03/2024
26 min English

Introduction to AI and Data Analytics

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Prueba de software

Transmitido el 29/01/2024
1:05h Brazilian Portuguese

3 dicas essenciais para a prova CTFL

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Transmitido el 18/01/2024
00:45h Spanish

Charla Café- Dósis de K: Máquina de estado en la práctica

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Transmitido el 21/09/2023
1:10h Spanish

Charla Café- API Testing con herramientas CICD

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Transmitido el 02/09/2023
3:16 h Spanish

Masterclass en Performance Testing

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