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Caminos paralelos: historias de dos mujeres fundadoras en la prueba de software

13 Mar 2024


This article is part of a series called "Stories of Women in Software Testing All around the World", launched on the 8th of March in a post with snippets from every interview. In the week from the 11th to the 15th, we will launch the complete interviews of all the women. Follow our page and don't miss any updates.

The interview was done by Brightest with Hajer B., CEO and Founder of Code Lingual.


Can you share the story of how you started your career in QA software and what motivated you to pursue this field?


My journey into Quality Assurance (QA) software has been shaped by a series of experiences that reflect the twists and turns of life. Initially, I embarked on a path in medicine, driven by my love for science. Unfortunately, I couldn't complete my education due to personal circumstances, including relocating from France to the USA after getting married. In this new chapter of my life, I utilized my language skills to teach French and Arabic and to provide translation services. It was during this time that I was introduced to the world of QA through my husband, who is a software developer. Witnessing the importance of rigorous testing and the impact of inadequate QA processes in software development, I was drawn to the field. As someone who values precision and accuracy, I found QA to be the perfect fit, allowing me to combine my passion for science with my attention to detail and language skills. Additionally, my journey has been influenced by a desire to represent underrepresented communities in the tech industry, particularly as a covered Muslim woman. This multifaceted background has shaped my approach to QA, driving me to advocate for inclusivity and excellence in software quality assurance.


Reflecting on your experience, could you highlight a project or accomplishment that you are particularly proud of?


One of my most significant accomplishments is the creation of Code Lingual. As a multi-language IT training company, it encapsulates my identity and aspirations. Code Lingual not only teaches QA, technology, and IT skills but also breaks language barriers, enabling people from diverse linguistic backgrounds to comprehend complex technological concepts. Witnessing individuals overcome language barriers to grasp technology fills me with immense pride. My motto, "If I can do it, anyone can," underscores my belief in the power of education and empowerment. Through Code Lingual, I aspire to spread knowledge and empower individuals worldwide, regardless of their language or background, and succeed in the dynamic field of QA software testing.


Have you faced any unique challenges or struggles as a woman in the QA software industry?


Yes, as a woman in the QA software industry and as a Muslim-covered woman, I have faced additional unique challenges and struggles. In addition to gender biases, I have encountered stereotypes and assumptions based on my appearance. There have been instances where I've been asked questions like "Do you speak English?" or some sort of "Are you qualified?" solely because of my attire. These stereotypes can be disheartening and can create barriers to being recognized for my skills and expertise in QA. However, I've remained steadfast in asserting my capabilities and proving myself through my work and dedication. Despite these challenges, I remain committed to breaking down stereotypes and advocating for inclusivity and diversity within the tech industry.


What are some ways in which the participation of women in QA software can enhance the usability of software products for a wider range of users?


The participation of women in QA software can greatly enhance the usability of software products for a wider range of users in several ways. Women bring diverse perspectives, experiences, and communication styles to the QA process, which can result in software that is more intuitive, accessible, and user-friendly for a broader audience. Additionally, women often possess strong attention to detail and empathy, allowing them to identify potential usability issues and advocate for user-centric design principles during the testing phase. Adding to this, I believe the inclusion of women in QA teams can help ensure that software products are tested from a variety of viewpoints, leading to more comprehensive testing and ultimately, higher-quality products that better meet the needs of all users. After all, women represent the other half of the population on earth!


How have you navigated those challenges, and are there individuals or experiences that have influenced your approach to overcoming obstacles?


In navigating the unique challenges I've faced as a woman in the QA software industry, I have drawn strength from various individuals and experiences that have influenced my approach to overcoming obstacles. Firstly, I've been fortunate to have supportive mentors and allies within the industry who have provided guidance, encouragement, and opportunities for growth. Their belief in my abilities and their willingness to advocate on my behalf has been invaluable in navigating challenges and advancing my career. Additionally, the experiences gained from running Code Lingual, my QA training company aimed at creating more inclusive opportunities for underrepresented communities, have reinforced my commitment to diversity and inclusion within the tech industry. Through Code Lingual, I've been able to empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in QA software, while also challenging stereotypes and promoting inclusivity.


Looking ahead, what changes or advancements do you anticipate in the QA software industry?


Looking ahead, I anticipate significant advancements in automation technologies, particularly in AI and machine learning. I think there will also be a greater emphasis on shift-left testing practices and collaboration between development and QA teams. Additionally, we can most likely expect an increased focus on security testing and ensuring software accessibility for all users. As QA professionals, it's essential to stay informed and adaptable to embrace these advancements and drive positive change in the industry.


What advice do you have for the next generation of women considering a career in QA?


One piece of advice I have for the next generation of women considering a career in QA is to embrace your uniqueness and never underestimate the value of your voice and perspective. I vividly recall an experience at a conference where a Saudi woman, who had never been to the US, was terrified to participate. However, upon seeing my picture and learning about my involvement in the conference, she felt empowered and inspired to join. She later approached me with gratitude, expressing how seeing someone like herself in a leadership role gave her the courage to participate. This story illustrates the importance of representation and the impact it can have on empowering others. Another thing, do not feel shy in seeking out mentors and allies who will support and champion you along your journey. Do not be afraid to speak up, ask questions, and assert yourself in male-dominated spaces. Your unique perspective and contributions are invaluable to the field of QA. Additionally, never stop learning and expanding your skills. The tech industry is constantly evolving, so stay curious and adaptable. Finally, remember that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and never doubt your ability to succeed.


How can the industry evolve to better support the growth and success of women professionals?


In my opinion, helping women grow and evolve professionally can be done through several key strategies. First, promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives within companies can create a more welcoming and supportive environment for women. This includes implementing policies to address gender biases and stereotypes, as well as providing mentorship and leadership opportunities specifically tailored to women. Second, fostering a culture of equal opportunity and recognition for achievements regardless of gender is essential. Companies can actively encourage and celebrate the contributions of women in QA software, ensuring that their voices are heard and valued. Finally, actively addressing barriers that may prevent women from entering or advancing in the field, such as childcare support, flexible work arrangements, and equal pay, can help level the playing field and create a more inclusive industry.


Do you suggest or participate in any networks, associations, or initiatives that can be useful for the local QA community?


Yes, I actively participate in networks and initiatives that are beneficial for the local QA community. This includes involvement in local QA meetups (I am fortunate to have a bunch of them where I live!), conferences, and online forums where professionals come together to share knowledge and experiences. Additionally, I advocate for organizations and initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion within the QA industry. I volunteer my time in mentoring new QA professionals, and I participate in social media communities around the world.



The interview was done by Brightest with Irma Infante, General Manager at Calidad de Conceptos.


¿Puede compartir la historia de cómo comenzó su carrera en el software de control de calidad y qué le motivó a dedicarse a este campo?


Yo soy ingeniera de sistemas, inicié mi carrera como programadora de software, luego empecé a gestionar proyectos de desarrollo y estando en ese rol me empecé a involucrar más con las pruebas; tomé un proyecto en etapa de pruebas, pero faltaban muchas definiciones del proceso, y teníamos que entregar un producto de calidad al cliente, así que empecé a buscar la forma de poder hacer un proceso de calidad que fuera apropiado a ese proyecto, así empezó todo.


Reflexionando sobre su experiencia, ¿podría destacar algún proyecto o logro del que se sienta especialmente orgullosa?


Creo que mi mayor logro hasta ahora es haber podido formar mi propia empresa hace 12 años, ser socia fundadora de Calidad de Conceptos, gracias al apoyo de 2 mujeres: Lidia quien es mi socia y Rosa quien es parte vital de la gestión comercial de la empresa. Ellas son mis hermanas.

Calidad de Conceptos es una empresa que se encarga de dar consultorías y capacitaciones en temas de calidad y gestión de proyectos, además está acreditada ante el HASTQB como trainer provider oficial del ISTQB.. 


¿Se ha enfrentado a algún desafío o lucha especial como mujer en el sector del software de control de calidad?


Siempre haber sido una minoría, estudiar una carrera donde el sólo el 10% del salón eran mujeres, trabajar en equipos, o liderarlos donde solo el 15% o 20% eran mujeres.

En la actualidad esos porcentajes van mejorando y la balanza se va equilibrando, tanto en la ingeniería del software como en las pruebas.


¿Cómo ha superado esos retos? ¿Hay personas o experiencias que hayan influido en su forma de superar los obstáculos?


La preparación es importante, a veces por ser mujer tienes que ganarte el respeto profesional del entorno, demostrar que tienes conocimiento, experiencia y sabes hacer bien tu trabajo.

Recuerdo mucho una competencia de ajedrez, yo tendría unos 10 años y mi contrincante era un muchacho de unos 20 años, me dio miedo y mi hermano me dijo: “No te preocupes todos tienen su cerebro”. Gané la partida y empecé a entender que lo que compite es tu inteligencia y habilidad, no importa si eres hombre, mujer, joven o mayor.


¿Sugiere o participa en alguna red/asociación/iniciativa que pueda ser útil para la comunidad local de garantía de calidad?


Yo soy representante de Perú del HASTQB, esta posición me permite formar parte de grupo importante de representantes de países latinoamericanos, recién me he incorporado, pero como objetivo a largo plazo es que se pueda formar el propio board de Perú del ISTQB, eso nos permitirá un mayor crecimiento en el ámbito de las pruebas a nivel de país.