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APIU - CARMT with Karate

APIU Certified API, REST and Microservices Tester - with Karate


API United - Certified API, REST and Microservices Tester (CARMT) with Postman or Karate is a three-day intensive, hands-on and interactive training to help you develop skills and knowledge to survive in the intense world of information transmission.  


Learning Objectives

  • LO1 – Understand the Life cycle of API testing techniques.
  • LO2 – Understand How API testing complements UI testing.
  • LO3 – Know the different API standards.
  • LO4 – Understand differences between MSA SOA and APIs
  • LO5 – Implement API testing in popular tools like soapUI and Postman.
  • LO6 – Implement Automation including content inspection based use cases in API testing projects.
  • LO7 – Design API related test cases and test scenarios.
  • LO8 – Understand and Implement contract first testing in Microservices.

Цільова аудиторія

This course is for testers and practitioners who work with APIs. It provides a comprehensive view of:

  • The different components of API and Microservices testing
  • Relation of MSA (microservices architecture) to API and SOA
  • Different standards for API
  • Test design techniques for API testing
  • Life cycle of API testing techniques including security, load, and interoperability
  • A hands-on view of API testing with popular tools like soapUI and Postman
  • Automation at API testing level
  • Contract First Testing in Microservices
  • Extended Tools for Microservices testing


  • At least 2 years of testing experience.
  • Familiarity with Web Applications
  • A basic knowledge of JavaScript (highly recommended)

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