With the current trends in technology and the growing incorporation of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Artificial Intelligence United (AiU) was created to support the understanding of implementation of these importance advancements. AiU - Certified Machine Learning Engineer (AiU-CMLE) is a 4-day practical certification course, which goes beyond the fundamentals of AI and machine learning, to discover the differences in this new world of expertise. Join the Artificial Intelligence United community and embark on your AI/ML journey today: www.artificialintelligence-united.com
Chapter 1: Data Science Foundations
Chapter 2: Machine Learning Foundations
Chapter 3: Statistical Model Validation and Testing
Chapter 4: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Chapter 5: Deep Learning and Advanced Data Types
Chapter 6: Machine Learning in Production
Anybody who is involved in the creation, training, and maintenance of machine learning systems and is looking to certify their knowledge with the global standard of the Artificial Intelligence United (AiU).
Although there are generally there are no specific pre-requisites for attending this course, the AiU does recommend that participants hold the ISTQB CTFL (certification for testing/QA), and have some development or code reading skills prior to joining this course. Some experience in statistics and knowledge about Neural Networks is a huge plus.
El precio del examen global varía según la certificación y su ubicación geográfica.
*Campo obligatorio
Exámenes electrónicos para individuos, administrados por un experto de Pearson Vue en tiempo real, a través de una cámara web (también disponible ahora para los exámenes ISTQB).
Disponible en varios idiomas, en más de 5200 centros de exámenes, con un registro simplificado a través de la página Brightest del sitio web de Pearson Vue.
Exámenes electrónicos para grupos con un mínimo de 6 participantes, disponibles en seis idiomas diferentes, en cualquier parte del mundo.
El formato clásico de examen, dirigido a grupos de al menos 6 participantes, en un número creciente de idiomas.