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DOu Certified Tester in DevOps - Foundation Level

- من 05-08-24 إلى 07-08-24
MY - Kuala Lumpur


This DevOps United course is relevant for the testers who are in roles where DevOps forms a part of their responsibilities or for the testers who want to understand what DevOps means and how to implement some of the practices in their day to day work. DevOps have become a key to continuous delivery which involves continuous integration, deployment and testing.

DevOps requires us to think beyond development and testing. It requires us to involve people who support the development such as people who create the deployment environment, deploy and monitor it and customer support amongst all possible roles. This requires us to change the way we do testing and the types of testing we do. It also requires us to change the way we collaborate with people.

The fact that Agile has become very popular means we need to think of DevOps in Agile too. The course not only explores these but also looks the tools that enable DevOps including activities that require creation of test environment quickly and the technologies that enable it such as the cloud and containers (e.g. Dockers) and also automated build, release and deployment and also Automation tools.


Chapter 1 - Introduction to DevOps

  • DevOps at a Glance
  • DevOps concepts
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery (CD)
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Monitoring
  • DevOps in various development practices

Chapter 2 - Continuous Testing

  • Introduction to Continuous Testing
  • Test Driven Development (TDD) and DevOps
  • Static Analysis
  • Dynamic Analysis
  • Integration & System Tests
  • Acceptance Tests

Chapter 3 - DevOps specific tests

  • User specific Feature Testing
  • Stage Rollout, Dark Launch & Standard Upgrade
  • Toggles

Chapter 4 - Operations in DevOps

  • Monitoring Production Systems

Chapter 5 - DevOps and Cloud

  • Introduction to DevOps with Cloud

Chapter 6 - Various Tools and Technologies

  • Infrastructure and Repositories

Learning Objectives

  • LO1 – Remember various DevOps terms and terminology
  • LO2 – Understand what is DevOps and how it fits in various SDLCs
  • LO3 – Understand how DevOps fits into testing
  • LO4 – Know various technologies involved in DevOps
  • LO5 – Learn about automated deployments and automated testing Technology Program Learning Strategy and Design plan 3 of 4
  • LO6 – Learn about Cloud Technology and how it is useful in DevOps
  • LO7 – Know about various tools in DevOps LO8 – Apply some of the common tools such as Dockers, Jenkins, Puppet-Chef/Ansible, Nagios, Selenium, Git/GitHub etc.

الفئة المستهدفة

Testers, Test leads and Managers, QEs who write automation code and frameworks or are involved in CI/CD/CT All Levels.


Generally there are no requirements for this course, but first experiences in working in an Agile and/or DevOps team is beneficial.

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