Licensed Certified Professional for Software Architecture – Foundation Level (CPSA-F) trainings will provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to design, specify and document a software architecture adequate to fulfil the respective requirements for small and medium-sized systems. Based upon their individual practical experience and existing skills participants will learn to derive architectural decisions from an existing system vision and adequately detailed requirements. CPSA-F trainings teach methods and principles for design, documentation and evaluation of software architectures, independent of specific development processes.
Focus is education and training of the following skills:
Chapter 1: Basic concepts of software architecture
Chapter 2: Design and development of software architectures
Chapter 3: Specification and communication of software architectures
Chapter 4: Software architecture and quality
Chapter 5: Examples of Software architectures
This curriculum reflects the contents currently considered by the iSAQB members to be necessary and useful for achieving the learning goals of CPSA-F. It is not a comprehensive description of the entire domain of 'software architecture'.
Participants should have the following knowledge and/or experience. In particular, substantial practical experience from software development in a team is an important prerequisite for understanding the learning material and successful certification.
Furthermore, the following will be useful for understanding several concepts:
The global exam price vary depending on the certification and your geographical location.
*حقل مطلوب
اختبار برايتست الخاص
اختبارات الكترونية للأفراد يديرها خبير في بيرسون فيو(Pearson VUE) بشكل فوري عبر كاميرا متوفر الآن أيضًا لمجلس مؤهلات اختبار البرمجيات الدولية ISTQB
مركز برايتست للاختبار
(Brightest center)
اختبار الكتروني للأفراد في أكثر من 5200 مركز اختبار مع سهولة التسجيل عبر موقع بيرسون فيو (Pearson VUE).
اختبارات برايتست غرين
(Brightest Green)
اختبارات جماعية الكترونية لما لا يقل عن 6 مشاركين ب 6 لغات مختلفة في أي مكان في العالم
الامتحان الورقي
(paper exam)
تجربة اختبار كلاسيكية لمجموعات تتألف من 6 مشاركين على الأقل في عدد متزايد من اللغات