After the CPSA-Foundation Level, the iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Advanced Level (CPSA-A) is the next certification level. This advanced certification is designed to elevate the qualifications of software architecture professionals through a comprehensive, modular training program. Graduates of the CPSA-A are expected to possess a broad range of skills and deep knowledge in software architecture. Certification requires a significant time commitment and rigorous expertise, ensuring that professionals are highly competent in their field.
The CPSA-A program consists of a flexible curriculum comprising individual modules; each focused on specific aspects of software architecture competence. Successful participants are awarded credit points, which are accumulated toward the certification. Certified professionals can independently design medium to large-scale IT systems and assume responsibility for their technical and content aspects, especially systems of medium to high criticality.
Benefits of CPSA-A Certification
Upon certification, CPSA-A holders benefit in several ways:
The CPSA-A certification is aimed at individuals with a solid understanding of software architecture concepts, including:
This certification is particularly valuable for professionals looking to enhance their ability to design, implement, and manage complex IT systems and lead development teams in achieving architectural goals.
To obtain the iSAQB® CPSA-A certification, candidates must meet the following prerequisites:
Foundation Level Certification: Successful completion of the iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Foundation Level certification exam.
Professional Experience: At least three years of professional experience in the IT industry, with hands-on experience designing and developing at least two different IT systems.
Credit Points: A total of 70 credit points must be earned through participation in licensed training courses across three competence areas:
Overview of the Advanced Level Modules (typically three required to take the exam):
Architecture Documentation (ADOC): How to document and communicate software architecture? The curriculum includes content, methods, and tools for a target-group-oriented recording of solution approaches at various points in the life of a software system.
Agile Software Architecture (AGILA): How do you accomplish effective architecture work in agile teams and projects? What changes in the architecture discipline through the influence of agile principles, agile process models, and agile values?
Application Programming Interfaces (API): Growing understanding of APIs as technical interfaces, organizational interfaces, and business-oriented building blocks.
Architecture Evaluation (ARCEVAL): What is the contemporary means of reviewing the architecture of a software solution? And how can you condense findings, set impulses, and use lean designs in agile environments?
Low-Trust Consensus in Decentralized Applications (BLOCKCHAIN): How do you leverage blockchain technologies to establish consensus in distributed, low-trust systems? Learn how to design decentralized architectures.
Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native (CLOUDINFRA): How to design and implement adjustable infrastructure for the Cloud?
Domain-Driven Design (DDD): How do you design a domain-related architecture with domain experts and developers? The curriculum includes modeling techniques and architecture tools to use domain expertise to divide the system into domain-specific modules (strategic design) and construct inside the modules (tactical design).
Domain-Specific Language (DSL): How do you enhance configurability, empower users, and guarantee critical properties with domain-specific languages.
Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM): How can consistency be maintained within a large IT system and application landscape?
Embedded Systems (EMBEDDED): How do you develop safety-relevant embedded systems? With hard real-time and functional safety in mind, the curriculum covers central topics for developing embedded systems in a regulated environment. It also addresses interactions between software and system architecture.
Evolution and Improvement of Software Architectures (IMPROVE): How do you systematically improve existing software systems (“legacy”) aligned with technical and economic goals? The curriculum addresses the systematic search for problems and technical debt and the prioritization of these problems from an organizational, technical, and business perspective. It also addresses typical strategic and tactical approaches to improving existing systems.
Flexible Architecture Models (FLEX): How do you develop flexible architectures? The curriculum includes modern architecture approaches such as microservices, continuous delivery, self-contained systems, and up-to-date principles for operating such systems.
Formal Methods (FM): Discover bulletproof techniques and architecture to achieve correctness for your software system.
Functional Software Architecture (FUNAR): What’s the most effective way to decouple the components of your architecture and build powerful and flexible models simultaneously? Functional Architecture does all of that and more with the help of immutable data, combinators, and powerful math-based abstractions.
Green Software – Development of Resource-Efficient Applications (GREEN): How do you design software architectures for sustainable and energy-efficient IT systems?
Requirements for Software Architects (REQ4ARC): How can architects and development teams be equipped with enough requirements and engineering know-how to make educated architecture decisions based on stakeholders' real needs?
Soft Skills for Software Architects (SOFT): Which competencies besides technical know-how and hard skills do software architects need in practice? This module teaches recipient-oriented communication skills, moderation of challenging groups, and conflict resolution skills to communicate with various stakeholders involved in IT projects.
Software Architecture for AI-Based Systems (SWARC4AI): Discover and learn the essential knowledge that software architects require for developing modern software architectures for AI-based systems.
Web Architecture (WEB): How to design effective and secure web-based systems?
Web Security (WEBSEC): What is “security”? How to integrate security into your Analysis and Development Lifecycle with a technical focus on web-based systems?
Examination Format
The certification process for CPSA-A includes two parts:
Exam Price
€ 2550.00 excl. VAT
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