Mobile application testing is a process by which application software developed for handheld mobile devices is tested for its functionality, usability and consistency. With a growing number of different mobile devices in a variety of shapes and sizes entering the market, this amoung various other factors, are extremely important for consideration throughout the testing phases, to allow for as many scenarios to be taken into account as possible. Join one of the accredited ISTQB CTFL-MAT courses to find out more and see discover ways to deal with the variopus issues that can arrise when testing mobile applications.
ISTQB® Mobile Application Tester certification complements the core foundation level as a specialist module. It provides an theoretical background for testers working in the mobile application industry.
Chapter 1: Mobile World - Business and Technology Drivers
Chapter 2: Mobile Application Test Types
Chapter 3: Common Test Types and Test Process for Mobile Applications
Chapter 4: Mobile Application Platforms, Tools and Environment
Chapter 5: Automating the Test Execution
Testers, Test Analysts, Test Engineers, Test Consultants, Test Managers, User Acceptance Testers and Software Developers that are testing mobile applications.
The global exam price vary depending on the certification and your geographical location.
*حقل مطلوب
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