The Certified Tester Advanced Level Test Automation Engineering (CTAL-TAE) qualification is aimed at anyone involved in software testing and test automation. This includes people in roles such as testers, test analysts, test automation engineers, test consultants, test architects, test managers, and software developers. This qualification is also appropriate for anyone who wants a basic understanding of test automation, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors, and management consultants.
The ISTQB® CT - Test Automation Engineering certification is aimed at software professionals with the ISTQB® Foundation certificate who seek a deeper understanding of software testing to become Test Automation Engineers.
The Test Automation Engineer qualification is aimed at people who have already achieved an advanced point in their software testing careers and wish to develop their automation testing expertise further.
Chapter 1: Introduction and Objectives for Test Automation
Chapter 2: Preparing for Test Automation
Chapter 3: Test Automation Architecture
Chapter 4: Implementing Test Automation
Chapter 5: Implementation and Deployment Strategies for Test Automation
Chapter 6: Test Automation Reporting and Metrics
Chapter 7: Verification of Test Automation Solution
Chapter 8: Continuous Improvement
Business outcomes
Passing this level demonstrates that candidates can:
The Test Automation Engineering syllabus targets the test engineer looking to implement or improve on test automation. It defines methods and practices that can support a sustainable solution.
Other guidelines and reference models relating to test automation solutions are software engineering standards for the selected software development lifecycles, programming technologies, and formatting standards. This syllabus does not teach software engineering. However, a test automation engineer is expected to have skills, experience, and expertise in software engineering.
Furthermore, a test automation engineer needs to be aware of industry programming and documentation standards and best practices and use them while developing a test automation solution. These practices can increase the solution's maintainability, reliability, and security. Such standards are typically based on quality characteristics.
The global exam price vary depending on the certification and your geographical location.
*حقل مطلوب
اختبار برايتست الخاص
اختبارات الكترونية للأفراد يديرها خبير في بيرسون فيو(Pearson Vue) بشكل فوري عبر كاميرا متوفر الآن أيضًا لمجلس مؤهلات اختبار البرمجيات الدولية ISTQB
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اختبار الكتروني للأفراد في أكثر من 5200 مركز اختبار مع سهولة التسجيل عبر موقع بيرسون فيو (Pearson VUE).
اختبارات برايتست غرين
(Brightest Green)
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الامتحان الورقي
(paper exam)
تجربة اختبار كلاسيكية لمجموعات تتألف من 6 مشاركين على الأقل في عدد متزايد من اللغات