This DevOps United course is relevant for the testers who are in roles where DevOps forms a part of their responsibilities or for the testers who want to understand what DevOps means and how to implement some of the practices in their day to day work. DevOps have become a key to continuous delivery which involves continuous integration, deployment and testing.
DevOps requires us to think beyond development and testing. It requires us to involve people who support the development such as people who create the deployment environment, deploy and monitor it and customer support amongst all possible roles. This requires us to change the way we do testing and the types of testing we do. It also requires us to change the way we collaborate with people.
The fact that Agile has become very popular means we need to think of DevOps in Agile too. The course not only explores these but also looks the tools that enable DevOps including activities that require creation of test environment quickly and the technologies that enable it such as the cloud and containers (e.g. Dockers) and also automated build, release and deployment and also Automation tools.
Chapter 1 - Introduction to DevOps
Chapter 2 - Continuous Testing
Chapter 3 - DevOps specific tests
Chapter 4 - Operations in DevOps
Chapter 5 - DevOps and Cloud
Chapter 6 - Various Tools and Technologies
Learning Objectives
Testers, Test leads and Managers, QEs who write automation code and frameworks or are involved in CI/CD/CT All Levels.
Generally there are no requirements for this course, but first experiences in working in an Agile and/or DevOps team is beneficial.
The global exam price vary depending on the certification and your geographical location.
*حقل مطلوب
اختبار برايتست الخاص
اختبارات الكترونية للأفراد يديرها خبير في بيرسون فيو(Pearson VUE) بشكل فوري عبر كاميرا متوفر الآن أيضًا لمجلس مؤهلات اختبار البرمجيات الدولية ISTQB
مركز برايتست للاختبار
(Brightest center)
اختبار الكتروني للأفراد في أكثر من 5200 مركز اختبار مع سهولة التسجيل عبر موقع بيرسون فيو (Pearson VUE).
اختبارات برايتست غرين
(Brightest Green)
اختبارات جماعية الكترونية لما لا يقل عن 6 مشاركين ب 6 لغات مختلفة في أي مكان في العالم
الامتحان الورقي
(paper exam)
تجربة اختبار كلاسيكية لمجموعات تتألف من 6 مشاركين على الأقل في عدد متزايد من اللغات