Agile United - Capturing Agile Requirements by Example (AU - CARE) is a two-day intensive, hands-on, and interactive training for those who are working in requirements engineering, business analysis, and QA. AU-CARE will expand your professional knowledge and help you to become more successful in your job in an Agile environment.
For those who are working in requirements engineering, business analysis, and testing, AU-CARE will expand your professional knowledge and help you to become more successful in your job in an Agile environment.
This intensive, hands-on, and interactive training to help you develop skills and knowledge associated with requirements engineering in an agile context. In this course, we will dive into Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and discuss who is involved in the process and why it is useful, especially in an Agile team. We will then explore impact mapping and event storming, and then looks into the basics of "Specification by Example". In each of these topics we will not only discuss the theory, but also the who, what, and why behind each concept.
We will then explore the concept of example mapping and build upon this, together discovering "Specification with Examples". Once these concepts are clear for everyone we'll move ahead with ATDD (Acceptance Test-Driven Development) using BDD, which will bring all of the knowledge gained throughout this course together.
Finally, we'll look at what to do with this knowledge and how to implement these various concepts into your everyday work. We'll briefly explore the concept of the psychology behind teamwork and the way you can support your team to create the right mindset to create incredible software.
Agile United - Capturing Agile Requirements by Example (AU - CARE) has been designed for anyone looking to better understand the different roles involve in the different stages of CARE. This includes anyone interested in implementing impact mapping, event storming, example mapping.
Participants will improve their overall knowledge and the specifics requires for BDD, ATDD, and people skills.
Although there aren't any mandatory prerequisites, it is definitely beneficial to hold an ISTQB certificate or an Agile or Scrum certificate like PSM or CSM or ASF or at least to have read through the Scrum guide and Agile Manifesto.
Check out the syllabus for more ideas and literature recommendations.
The global exam price vary depending on the certification and your geographical location.
*حقل مطلوب
اختبار برايتست الخاص
اختبارات الكترونية للأفراد يديرها خبير في بيرسون فيو(Pearson VUE) بشكل فوري عبر كاميرا متوفر الآن أيضًا لمجلس مؤهلات اختبار البرمجيات الدولية ISTQB
مركز برايتست للاختبار
(Brightest center)
اختبار الكتروني للأفراد في أكثر من 5200 مركز اختبار مع سهولة التسجيل عبر موقع بيرسون فيو (Pearson VUE).
اختبارات برايتست غرين
(Brightest Green)
اختبارات جماعية الكترونية لما لا يقل عن 6 مشاركين ب 6 لغات مختلفة في أي مكان في العالم
الامتحان الورقي
(paper exam)
تجربة اختبار كلاسيكية لمجموعات تتألف من 6 مشاركين على الأقل في عدد متزايد من اللغات