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BrightX aims to support the greater IT community worldwide,
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Software Testing

Phát sóng vào 31/05/2023
1h 57m Brazilian Portuguese

EI, VIREI QA! 3 casos de transição de carreira

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Artificial Intelligence

Phát sóng vào 18/05/2023
30min Spanish

La Transformación Digital del Tester mediante la IA

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Software Testing

Phát sóng vào 27/04/2023
30min Brazilian Portuguese

Qualidade de Ponta a Ponta

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Software Testing

Phát sóng vào 24/02/2023
30min Brazilian Portuguese

Certificações Internacionais ISTQB e IFPUG: O que são e para que servem?

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Software Testing

Phát sóng vào 23/02/2023
10 min Spanish

ISTQB para empresas

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Software Testing

Phát sóng vào 14/02/2023
18min Spanish

Qué hace un software tester?

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Phát sóng vào 28/11/2022
12 min English

Best advice for someone who wants to start in UX Design

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Phát sóng vào 15/11/2022
22 min English

UX: How and why user-centered design is so relevant

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Software Testing

Phát sóng vào 10/11/2022
1:30h Brazilian Portuguese

CTFL e CTFL-AT com Brightest e Iterasys

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Phát sóng vào 08/11/2022
10 min English

Speed Introduction to UX

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Phát sóng vào 01/11/2022
15 min English

Let's talk about cloud testing?

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