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WITPM Certified Practitioner


WITPM Alliance has created the WITPM-Certified Practitioner (WITPM-CP) course, which is available to companies and IT professionals through approved training centers. 

By providing this course, WITPM Alliance fulfills its mission to promote best practices in IT project execution and management. The course comes with a recommended certification, with an exam taking place after completion of the course.


Course objectives

The WITPM-Certified Practitioner course helps IT professionals in three main areas of expertise:

- Failure prevention
- Adoption of emerging trends by applying appropriate criteria
- Leveraging the work context

The three areas of expertise mentioned above provide the necessary assurances that IT managers demand when assigning professionals in their organization the responsibility of executing and managing an IT project.

Managers will place more trust in those with the necessary knowledge to prevent problems before they arise, to choose the most appropriate ways of working for the project, and to act without wasting time and as autonomously as possible.


Chapter 1: How the IT department works

Location of the IT department in the company
Organization of the IT department
Structures for IT projects

Chapter 2: What is an IT project

Definition of an IT project
WITPM framework 
What is project management

Chapter 3: Emerging trends and application criteria

Towards the digital enterprise
New opportunities for IT professionals
Cloud computing
Agile ways of working
Criteria for incorporating trends

Chapter 4: Leveraging context

Part 1:

What is context
What to do in case of gaps
Mentoring the context

Part 2:

Selecting context-guided resources 

Chapter 5: Preventing failure 

Part 1:

The FAR model as a working tool to achieve objectives.
Failure scenarios
Risk factors and management actions
Measuring historical risk level
Introduction to guided management resources

Parts 2 and 3:

Selection of management-guided resources

Chapter 6: Participants' contribution to project success 

The project manager's contribution
The technical team's contribution  
The client's contribution

Chapter 7: Mock exam to prepare for the certification exam

Mock exam questions
Correct answers

Benefits of completing the WITPM training

IT managers need to be able to count on professionals who are prepared from minute zero and who have sufficient capacity to successfully complete the projects entrusted to them, even if these professionals have not yet accumulated sufficient experience, which would be the result of many years of professional practice. This need is even more pressing in IT departments where the turnover of professionals and the outsourcing of functions is usually high.

The WITPM training aims to contribute to solving this issue by bringing together the experience of IT experts in the form of a set of best practices in the execution and management of IT projects.


Other benefits of the WITPM training are:

- No prerequisites are necessary to take the training.
- The WITPM training is easy and quick to learn.
- It is delivered under the best quality conditions provided by approved centers and accredited trainers. 
- The trainee receives the official WITPM guide, corrected exercises and course slides that include an extended text for easy review.
- The trainee also receives an extensive set of tools ready to use in their work.
- Each of the WITPM courses has an associated certification that enriches the curriculum and distinguishes professionals who know and follow the best practices in IT projects.


This course is aimed at project managers, technical teams and customers who actively participate in the projects carried out by the IT department within an organization.


There are no prerequisites to join the WITPM-Certified Practitioner course. However, it is recommended to have an intermediate or advanced knowledge of IT technologies.



The global exam price vary depending on the certification and your geographical location.

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